How Many Calories Do I Need Each Day?
I often hear the question:
“How many calories should I be eating per day?”

Here are some simple steps that you can use in order to get a fair approximation of that number:

(1) Write down your body weight in pounds. Let’s say you weigh 150 pounds, so you would write down “150”.

(2) Next, add a zero on the far right hand side of that number. So, when you add the zero to “150”, you would then have the number “1500”. This is the number of calories per day that you would need to take in so that your basic metabolic processes can run.

(3) If you lead a sedentary life where you sit around a lot and watch TV, play with the computer, etc, divide that number from statement (2) by 3. If you weigh 150 pounds and the number from (2) is “1500”, then “1500” divided by 3 would be “500”.
(4) Add that “500” to the “1500”, and you get “2000”. So, 2000 calories is the amount  of calories you need to take in per day in order to maintain your current weight if you lead a sedentary life style.

(5) If you lead a very active life with a busy work schedule in addition to a vigorous exercise schedule, for example, divide the number from (2) by 2. If you weigh 150 pounds and the number from (2) is “1500”, then “1500” divided by 2 would be “750”.

(6) Add that “750” to the “1500”, and you get “2250”. So, 2250 calories is the amount of calories you need to take in per day in order to maintain your current weight if you lead a very active life style.

Of course, if you lead a moderately active lifestyle, the number would fall somewhere between the results from (4) and (6). So, if you weigh 150 pounds and you follow a moderately active lifestyle, you would need to take in about 2125 calories to maintain your current weight.

Today is Tuesday, December 26, 2006, and my weight this morning was 227 pounds. Using this technique, I’ll approximate the number of calories necessary to maintain that weight incorporating the “very active lifestyle” formula as above:
(1) 227 pounds
(2) 227 with the zero added onto the far right hand side =2270 calories
(3) (I don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle!)
(4) (See the previous line which states “I don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle!”)
(5) 2270 divided by 2 =1135
(6) 1135 + 2270 =3405 calories are necessary for me to maintain my current body weight of 227 pounds with my very active lifestyle.

In keeping with these ideas, if you are trying to gain weight, you will need to increase your calorie intake beyond the maintenance amounts required for your specific lifestyle. 
If you are trying to lose weight, then you need to take in fewer calories than the maintenance amounts required for your lifestyle. 
I do not recommend that you go below the amount of calories per day required to maintain your basic metabolic functions. However, after you get the “OK” from your doctor, you can always increase the amount of exercise you do in order to achieve your goal.
As always, never begin a regular exercise routine or a weight loss plan without a medical checkup from your doctor.
Also, if you are 35 years old or above, are obese, have not exercised in a long time, or have never exercised at all, you should have an exercise stress test ordered by your doctor before beginning any new regular exercise program.
My Blog
Tuesday, December 26, 2006